Car 516 team

The 2016 Variety NSW Bash

We have always very happily supported Variety – The Children’s Charity over many years.

The very much appreciated donations that Variety receive and great results they then make happen seem to be miraculous!

So enthusiastically, we thought…What better way would there be, to give even more support…Let’s get involved even more seriously and create a team of our own!

And so we did. Enter Car 516, and Team Dino-Mite!


We’ve raised nearly $5,000 so far but would love to find more sponsors to support us in our fundraising for Variety.

We would be happy to receive donations of cash, services or items for the Bash car as well as pledges to our team page. Sponsorship will be acknowledged in social media and on the car!

Please contact us by phone or email for direct contributions, or follow the link below to pledge support to our Variety Bash team.

More information about the route is available on the Variety Bash website

Car 516 team

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