Our Management System
Scope of Blue Eco Homes
Blue Eco Homes is a family run construction business specialising in architectural new houses built to Passivehaus standard. We are a small business using local trades, supporting sound quality, environmental and workplace safety practices and the local community. The Company constructs and delivers ecologically sustainable homes, built to the finest standards on appropriate sites within the Greater Sydney and Blue Mountains areas. The Scope of the Blue Eco Homes Quality, Environmental and Safety Management Systems extend from the Head Office in Winmalee to all construction sites operated by the Company. Blue Eco Homes recognises the importance of its Environmental, Quality and Safety Management Systems and the significant impact that its construction activities may bring. Through certification to ISO14001, ISO9001 and ISO45001 Blue Eco Homes maintains quality, analyses and monitors its effects on the environment, ensures compliance with all legal and other requirements in regard to interested parties, and conducts its business with the highest regard for quality, environmental and safety standards.
Environmental and Waste Management Policy
Blue Eco Homes is a family owned Australian Company committed to leadership in the field of energy efficient, sustainable and quality building and construction. As such it is strongly committed to identifying and controlling the environmental impact of the projects it builds, to continually improving its environmental performance, and implementing a systematic approach to setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.
The management of Blue Eco Homes recognises and is fully supportive of ensuring the company complies with the framework provided by ISO14001 to adopt an Environmental Management System through which we will work to provide residential and commercial building projects which meet the requirements of our clients, whilst embracing the principles of this standard to assist in achieving our environmental and strategic objectives.
This commitment will be met by:
- Protecting the environment, including bio-diversity and eco-systems.
- Ensuring all employees and stakeholders are aware of the objectives of our Environmental and Waste Management Policy.
- Encouraging all employees, subcontractors, clients, consultants and other stakeholders to commit to the positive environmental management practices.
- Complying with all relevant laws, statutory regulations and industry codes of practice, and any other compliance requirements.
- Meeting our climate change obligations by minimising our environmental footprint through pollution prevention practices and a carbon management reduction plan.
- Ensuring that sustainable environmental practices are a part of our day to day operations.
- Reviewing environmental risks particular to each project and implementing environmental and waste management measures that are relevant to the nature and scale of the works.
- Minimising waste through careful and efficient use of all materials and energy.
- Assisting our clients to achieve their own environmental management obligations and objectives.
- Developing and maintaining business relationships that maximise our ability to better manage environmental sustainability.
- Risk management
Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
Blue Eco homes are committed to the well-being of people employed at work, or people affected by our work. This is a major priority and must be considered in all aspects of the business. People are our most important asset and health and safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility with every person being of equal priority, including members of the public. The management of Blue Eco Homes recognises and is fully supportive of ensuring the company complies with ISO45001:2018 and all legislative and other requirements placed upon it and will consult with workers to encourage participation and compliance. This will be achieved, so far as is reasonably practicable, through:- Establishment of objectives and targets
- Continually striving to achieve a safer workplace by eliminating hazards and reducing risk.
- Consider health and safety in all project planning and work activities
- Involve all workers in the decision-making processes through regular communication, consultation and training
- Encourage workers to undertake a continuous program of education and learning to identify and control hazards in the workplace through a continuous risk management program
- Take action to eliminate or control potential accidents / incidents for the prevention of work related injury, ill-health and climate hazards
- Provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all injured employees
- Promote and rewards positive WHS activity
- Appropriate planning of work activities with due consideration given to implementing control measures that are suitable to each given situation
- All persons involved in the business or affected by the carrying out of our business understanding the total work process and associated WHS risks
- Continual encouragement of all workers to be committed to achieving our objectives
- Continual improvement
- Open and honest communication and consultation between all parties involved in our business, or that will be affected by the carrying out of our business
Quality Management Policy
Blue Eco Homes is a family owned Australian Company committed to leadership in the field of energy efficient, sustainable and quality building and construction. As such it is strongly committed to working with its employees, customers and suppliers to identify and control the quality of the projects it builds, to continually improve its quality performance and implement a systematic approach to setting and reviewing quality objectives and targets.
The management of Blue Eco Homes recognises and is fully supportive of ensuring the company complies with the framework provided by ISO 9001 to adopt a Quality Management System through which we will work to provide residential and commercial building projects which meet the requirements of our clients, whilst embracing the principles of this standard to assist in achieving our quality and strategic objectives.
This commitment will be met by:
- Employee commitment
- Understanding the needs and motivations of our clients
- Aiming to exceed our client’s expectations in delivering their projects
- Regularly liaising with our client’s to ensure they are aware of and satisfied with progress of the project
- Complying with the Building Code of Australia, Australian Standards, industry codes of practice, local council and other authorities requirements
- Development of a quality management plan appropriate to the scale and nature of the project
- Engaging with contractors or consultants to ensure that the project is delivered to the required quality
- Maintaining adequate records and documentation to verify compliance with required quality
- Risk management